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jpetzrick asked

File permissions in node red

First let me say I'm new to NodeRed and Venus. I've programmed on a PC for years in various languages going back to DOS days. I just have not used Linux so I'm struggling to get the commands and syntax correct. I'm trying to use Node Red on Venus OS 2.94 large on a RPI 4 to write a CSV file with some basic info like Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Direction, PVOutput... I can create the file OK and output it to the NodeRed directory just fine. If I try to output to my USB stick then it won't let me. I get a permission error. OK so I thought I would just try copying it to the USB stick once an hour. I still get a permission error. I know I have the right paths because I can log in as root with Putty and copy/paste the cp command and it works just fine. So my question is- How do I give node red permission to write to the USB stick? Another question is - Sometimes the path to the USB stick is //run/media/sda1/ and other times it is //run/media/sdb1? Any thoughts on this? Does it matter where I plug it in or is it a random thing? Thanks in advance.

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