
lonebeagle avatar image
lonebeagle asked

BMV 700 displays incorrect voltage

Good morning,

I have 2-24v LiFePo4 in series to power an Elco 48 volt motor. My BMV only displays the voltage of one battery ~26.6 volts. I have set the system voltage to 52 volts via the connect app but the displayed voltage doesn't change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BMV Battery Monitor
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4 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@LoneBeagle you need to wire the shunt as per diagram 7 of the Quick Start Guide.

Make adjustments as per set up your BMV video.

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lonebeagle avatar image
lonebeagle answered ·

Thank you!

I have a 24 volt Blue Smart IP67 Charger on each battery is that going to cause a problem?

Thanks in advance,


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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@LoneBeagle I have a 24 volt Blue Smart IP67 Charger on each battery is that going to cause a problem?

It will cause problems as the shunt cant see current going back into the batteries.

Is the IP67 charging with the standard Li-ion battery profile / settings?

Do you have mid point (battery) monitoring hooked up / enabled?

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lonebeagle avatar image
lonebeagle answered ·

The IP67(s) have the profile that came in the box. I will go check it shortly.

There is no mid point monitoring set up.

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lonebeagle avatar image
lonebeagle answered ·

I am at the point where I need to back up and start over. Thanks for your help & I will post the results after I get it redone

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