
guym avatar image
guym asked

Why wont my unit show as blue when i click on L1/AC1 tile?

I have 2 24/5000 Quattros in parallel on boat . I am trying to split them out so I can set up one from shore power as a charge only and the other to invert for ac loads. I have done this before without prob but now when I try to reconfigure the slave unit as a charge only with VEconfig app I have problem. I am able to connect but when I click on the L1/AC1 tile the unit comes up as gray vice blue and when I right click on the gray unit to see the drop down there is no option for VEconfigure multi. I have been thru the tutorial. and tried switching cables but no luck . I have now set it back to Master-Slave set up and the cable works fine and master-slave units both come up as Blue when I click the tiles. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

VEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Click on AC1, you might be clicking AC2, usually that is the greyed out one.

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