
andy156 avatar image
andy156 asked

Will there be an EV charger with PEN fault detection?

Where I live in the UK it is extremely difficult to get the required resistance using earth rods to make a car charger safe in the scenarios where there is PEN fault.

Is there going to be a charger incorporating a safety feature for PEN fault detection like the Zappi?

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Andy156

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here.

I did see a post the other day mentioning a new EV charging station but the manuals I can see online do not mention a built in PEN fault detection device like Zappi. Think you'll have to settle for an external PEN fault detection device.

I would also be keen to see a device with this implemented though. One of the reasons Zappi's are so popular in the UK in my opinion.


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