
Simon Coram avatar image
Simon Coram asked

Duel input on a multiplus

c12f9395-7b93-4bef-9b15-70783b7a7599.pngcan I wire in 2 inputs for my multiplus on my boat. Is it a case of just putting it in with the existing input one? Only one will be used at a time.

I need to replace my aged hookup cable which has been on the roof of my boat now I’m thinking about running it inside my boat to keep it off the roof. Going to fit a connection at the front like I have at the rear so no matter if I go in forward or reverse into my mooring I just need a short cable to the pontoon bollard.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Rather wire in a changeover switch, less risk of it going wrong.

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