
shmol avatar image
shmol asked

Quattro 5000 AC Limit doesn't work

I have a Quattro 24/5000/120 (230V) connected to:

AC IN1 - genset capable of 45A

AC OUT1 - dynamic load up to 10kW, normally 1kW

AC OUT2 - 30A load, 2x Skylla 100A II chargers

My goal is to charge batteries at 320A using Quattro charger and 2x Skylla.

When there's a temporaly load at AC OUT1 I want AC OUT2 still get its 30A.

Quattro can switch to inverter mode and produce enough current at AC OUT1.

In reality it doesn't happened. I've read the manual but it's not clear what exactly is AC LIMIT. Is it total AC current at OUT1 and OUT2 or just OUT1. I've tried two options:

1. AC LImit is 45A. All work fine till temporary high load at AC OUT1. AC OUT2 gets its 30A. Once the OUT1 load is high then Quattro tries to pull all current from the genset above the limit, genset lowers it's voltage and Quattro turns off OUT2 and switches to inverter mode.

2. AC Limit is 15A. Quattro runs in assisting mode for both AC outputs.

In ideal world all Victron zoo should talk to each other and Quattro can control Skylla AC LImit.

BTW. Is there any way to get some technical support directly from Victron? I remember the days when they replied to support requests. Now I get only survey email a week later.
Also the said Quattro had a manufacturing defect which I've fixed (loose connector from one transformer, 2x less power).

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I am assuming you are running on 120v system by the model Quattro you have..... your post is not too specific there. [Edited: now clarified so below information does not apply]

Trying to understand your maths.

45A (generator) x 120V is 5400W.

At 24v that is 225A (5400÷24v). You would never be able to charge at 320A goal. And that is not even taking into account the AC loads on the out, or generator derating.

Also why are the skyllas on the ac out of the inverter and not before the inverter?

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shmol avatar image shmol commented ·
120 in the model name stands for the max charging power. The voltage is 230V. The genset is doing fine with 3x Skylla chargers so 300A total at 24V nominal.

I was thinking on how to connect chargers. My assumption was that since its Victron it should talk to each other. Ex. Cerbo GX should show total charging wattage, calculate everything etc.

In practice the only advantage is that AC OUT2 is connected with a delay of 2mins after AC IN1 (genset) is on.

So yes, probably indeed the better solution would be connecting Skyllas directly to genset. Then the AC Limit should work as expected.

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shmol avatar image shmol shmol commented ·

I've just checked VRM Dashboard and actually it does show separate statistics for generator.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ shmol commented ·

Thanks for clarifying the original post for whether it was 120v or 230v. There are quite a few versions of the 24/5000 some even have different transfer ability. (50-50 and 100-100)

I am aware of what the numbers mean, some posters mix them up and don't understand them.

Skylla-is are not controlled by the Cerbo. See particularly (2)

Not having the skyllas through the victron is, means if the victron rejects the generator you don't have no charging. And there is less load on the inverter.

There is a probably a way to time delay the switch on of the skyllas with the remote on off or something.

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