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ams asked

MPPT to Cerbo

Hi everyone this is my first time here so it will probably take me a little bit to figure out how it all works so please bear with me.
We are selling and installing quite a few systems and we’re learning new stuff every day.
My first question is, we have a boat that had two existing inverters one is the 3000 multiplus and the other is a 2000 multi then there are four 100/30 MPPT’s and a smart shunt.
We installed a new Cerbo and 7” screen we found out immediately that the Cerbo can’t control two different inverters so we re-installed the original DMC for the 2000 and we have the 3000 on the Cerbo.
We used 3 VE Direct cables and 2 with USB ends for the MPPT’s and smart shunt but we can only see one of the MPPT’s right now do we need to instance them with the app on my phone?
So that’s it for now any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated!

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

Did you already change VE.Direct cables between the 2 MPPT's? Is the other one working now?

2 |3000

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