
towes71 avatar image
towes71 asked

MPPT75/15 with 200W solarcell Caravan installation


My Caravan has on-board charger so it charges the battery when plugged in to AC.
Im planning to install my MPP and Solarcell and connect to the 12V Lead battery.
Are there any risc's or dont's to have this setup ?1680624622670.png

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


None if you fuse correctly and have pv disconnects. And a way to isolate loads.

Remember your dc loads are limited to the 15A max output of the load port on the 75/15.

Tp take better care of your lead acid battery a BMV is also recommended.

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towes71 avatar image towes71 commented ·

Hi Alexandra

I'm a beginner in this area but hope to gain more knowledge.

I have a fuse between MPPT and Battery (+ side) and DC load will only be a Mobile charger.

What did you mean by "pv disconnects" ?

Did not understand "Tp take better care of your lead acid battery a BMV is also recommended." can you please clarify ?

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