
rainerwoll avatar image
rainerwoll asked

How to joining multible Victonsystems together?


we live in a small community, everyone has his one Victronsystem.
Now we are looking for a possibilty to couple our systems, so that we can help each other if someone have a low battery.
Any idea how we can realize this?


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3 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Not really true, because you need to build a MASTER central like a Grid Provider using a bunch of 15kVA Qattros and use the rest independently, including feedback.

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True, sorry. I missed coupling the systems.
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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

We planing currently such project in south Estonia with 6-9 Quattro 48/15000, 800kWh of Batteries, a 40kW Windmill AC1 coupled, two Fronius 15kW each (I assume, we need more), four RS48/200 and a 25kW GenSet.

The eight "slaves" are single phase MultiPlus-II with 5-15kVA own batteries (support energy for 24 hours if necessary) and AC or DC couples Solarpanels.

Hence a comunity/village 100% autonom.

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rainerwoll avatar image
rainerwoll answered ·

My idea was, to build a ring. Each Multiplus AC-Out 1 is connected to the next Multiplus AC-In.
In normal mode the only support AC-Out with Power und AC-In is swicht off.
They communicate over NodeRed or a Python routine to switch AC-In on, if the battery is to low and the previous System has enough battery power.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
I do not think, this is working.
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