
teebee avatar image
teebee asked

BMV 712 showing positive charge with inverter and a negative when using 12V installation

Hi all,

In my camper I connected the Victron BMV-712 to my battery system. The system consists of two batteries connected in parallel. Monitoring the current power consumption seemed to work well at first. A negative discharge current was displayed when switching on 12V consumers in the motorhome. However, when the inverter for the 230V sockets is switched on, the BMV displays a positive charging current.

How is it possible that a positive charge current is displayed when using the inverter and a negative discharge current when using the 12V installation?

Does this mean that the negative cable from the inverter does not pass through the shunt?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You do not have the shunt wired up correctly. The only connection to the battery bank negative should be the battery side of the shunt, in other words only 1 wire on battery bank negative and this same single wire on the shunt battery connection. All other negatives wires, loads, chargers AND the chassis ground are connected to the system/ load side of the shunt. The most common mistake in RVs and campers is leaving the chassis ground connected to the battery, it must be moved to the shunt system side.

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