
staffywid avatar image
staffywid asked

12V/15A Blue smart charger problems

Gday ppl

I have a 12V/15A charger and was charging a 100ah lithium battery, the last i tried to charge my battery it stayed on bulk mode for over 3 hours and very hot (almost to hot to handle). Is this normal? When I look at the history of the VictronConnect connect app the figures were:

Elasped 3.16hrs

Charge 49.8ah

does this appear normal?

my apologies if this is a silly question as I’m a newbie to batterie/chargers



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4 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

The charger produces 15A p/h so 3 hrs reults in 45Ah of power. Numbers look right from that perspective. With such a small charger it will take almost 6-7hrs to charge the battery. Ensure you have decent cables and connections, the charger profile is set to Lithium and adjust to the manufacturer's specifications if different to the default and ventilate it well.

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staffywid avatar image staffywid commented ·
Thanks for the reply

yes I’m using the li-ion setting

I’m using the cables that came with the charger

and I have moved it to a better ventalate position



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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw staffywid commented ·

I removed comment of upright as it is applicable to the IP22 BlueSmart which also has fans in the 20A and 30A models.

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v-fanatic avatar image
v-fanatic answered ·

What cables that came with charger are connected between the charger and the battery? I have

purchased 5 of these chargers and they did not come with cables. I use 4mm red and black twin flex

to keep a 60A/h battery charged with everything running cold. Recently connected another charger

to a 100A/h gel battery and also running cold using same 4mm red and black twin flex.charger.jpg

charger.jpg (24.5 KiB)
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staffywid avatar image
staffywid answered ·

The cables are hard wired to the chargerA3912896-0E56-402B-8797-0A4E3B1D6823.jpeg

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v-fanatic avatar image
v-fanatic answered ·

I see you have the IP65 rating charger. I have and older version (Multi XS 7000 which is 7A/h capable. It is connected to a 70A/h battery to keep it at optimum condition when not in use (vehicle) It appears that the cables are about 2.5mm (judging from the physical size) If I start the vehicle say twice in succession and put the charger on after that it steps up to ABSORPTION level and stays there for a while before changing to FLOAT. It does get fairly warm but not excessive and returns to warm to touch when at FLOAT. Mine does not have Lithium capabilities but yours has. I assume you set yours to Lithium mode. I would be worried if it gets to hot to handle (electronics and heat don't always go well together as a combination. If the battery is okay then I would take it to a place that could try it as well and confirm if that is normal heat expectations. It is a closed and sealed housing so it does get a lot hotter than the previous picture of the IP22 rating version that I posted which is in a metal case.

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