
Andrew avatar image
Andrew asked

Series+parallel 2 or 1 strings easysolar 260/70

I have 3 longi panels 370w, with 2 ja 380w on one string, the other 5 ja 380 all 7 ja are same, longi

Model: LR4-60HPH-370M

The amps and v differ and have a shokty diode after these 3. All 10 face same south direction, all shade free. The easysolar 48v 250/70. Why does the array need to be in 2 strings not 1 as it joins to 2 poles at inverter?

I suspect it has to be 2, should it be parallel

With 3 slightly mismatched or series? Or is there any other option?

If parallel each string 32a/200v can i use single 64a for current just before inverter?

solar sizing
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Andrew

You've asked this before. The answer hasn't changed.

You haven't provided the JA specs, but let's assume they're similar to the Longi.

5x in a series string is max. 41.3Voc x 5 = 207V. your mppt is 250V rated, and the 5x will scrape in under that with cold weather. So you need 2x strings.

Each string has 11.37 Isc (amps). You could join them at the panel end and run a single wire pair to the mppt. With say a 25-30 A fuse or breaker.

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Andrew avatar image Andrew commented ·

@JohnC i did ask about mismatch but i didnt see why 2 strings as both combine in series if 5x2. My problem is I am getting odd multi meter readings with v fluctuations which i should have but then an anomalous symbol and the unit is not powering. I am trying to rule out what is causing it. I am now unplugging connections. Am fine with marekp and your response. The original supplier of unit said parallel for both strings. Ok i see the mismatch may make parallel but it changes my breakers etc. I will update after checking today. Much appreciate the response.

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