
vinceyboy avatar image
vinceyboy asked

isolation switch

Hi I have a 1600w multi plus inverter in my caravan, now if I forget to swith it off on my phone it drains the battery over a short period of time. My question is, is it possible to have an isolation switch installed or is there a remote device that hooks up to the multiplus that i can have in a convenient place in the van so I see it before i exit. thanks in anticapition

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4 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

My understanding is you want a manual switch so either as michaeld suggested or the The battery protect will switch DC loads or the inverter off based on a "condition", the battery voltage and will still require a separate wired switch if you want to turn it off when you exit the vehicle.

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michaeld avatar image
michaeld answered ·

Yes, you can use the remote on-off port. It's the two pins with a wire bridging them, replace that with a switch.

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oldwave avatar image
oldwave answered ·

Also you would be a candidate for the smart battery protect that would shut off the dc loads at a predetermined soc and can be used as a shut off switch

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vinceyboy avatar image
vinceyboy answered ·

Thanks for your answers lads is there a particular switch you would recommend please

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