
marceldb avatar image
marceldb asked

Multiplus 2 5000 230V all LEDs flashing, does not turn on

I bought 3 Multiplus 2 5000 230V. I have updated all 3 with the latest firmware and connected these to a Cerbo GX. Via Config, I copied the configration of one to all 3, connected them with Ethernet cables to each other via VE Bus. These weren't connected to 230V, just to a 48V powersupply. Suddenly, two of them started flashing all LEDs and don't turn on. I cannot connect to these anymore. The 3rd one works well. How do I get the other two running again?

Additional info: VRM portal shows VE.Bus error 3

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Jons Collasius avatar image Jons Collasius commented ·

Take a look here:

My first guess: it's a three-phase system and you haven't configured three-phase?

You should have used the tool "VE.Bus Quick Configure". Take a look here:

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marceldb avatar image marceldb Jons Collasius commented ·
I was about to configure it as a 3 phase system, but I got the ve.bus error 3 message. Then, two devices got frozen. I already found out that the flashing leds mean 'bootlaoder'
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1 Answer
marceldb avatar image
marceldb answered ·

Solved. Forced a firmware update with VE connect, and ran the correct 3 phase procedure. Everything works fine now

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