
cdoyle avatar image
cdoyle asked

Parrallel Multiplus II 48/5000- pylontech low charging current

29781f53-bb48-40c9-a224-bcf9299c21ed.jpegImage CaptionHi

We have recently carried out a new system with 6no Multiplus II 48/5000 on 3 phases, 2 on each phase, with 12no pylontech US5000 batteries. The batteries are wired in 2no banks of 6 with each battery bank wired in a ring.

We also have 30kw of Solar

System works well charges and discharges, however if we force charge or allow the Multis to charge with PV excess then the charge rate to batteries is only around 113amps, however on discharge the batteries will discharge up to 230amps when needed. I did think it may be temperature as was only around 8-10 degrees yesterday but would this affect both charge and discharge rates not just charge rate.

I have attached photos, any guidance or help much appreciated


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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Do you have battery life enabled? I have found in colder temps, this does slow the charge.

You should see the ESS #5

Are all your batteries online in the GX?

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cdoyle avatar image cdoyle commented ·
Hi yes can see all 12 batteries on gx
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cdoyle avatar image
cdoyle answered ·

Good morning thankyou for your reply, i have this set to optimised without battery life

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