
sbd avatar image
sbd asked

Multiplus ACout1 and ACout2 when solar is concerned

Ok so this is probably very use case specific but here we go.

We have an existing solar inverter and are wanting to trial some Victron gear on a small scale before going all in on a new build.

What I would love to happen is run a Multiplus-II as per the "in-line" diagram on the website.
However I have a question regarding ACout1 and ACout2.

When the grid goes out, batteries kick in and supply ACout1, cool, no problem there.

Do I put the PV inverter on ACout1 or ACout2?

I obviously want all critical loads supplied for as long as possible. But assuming the PV is going great and the batteries are full with load1 taken care of, will it also try to keep some non-critical loads going on ACout2? I don't want ACout2 to drain the battery but if it could use the PV that would be swell.

Any thoughts here?

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2 Answers
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

PV inverters are connected to ACout1.

ACout2 can be switched via the corresponding relay. If the grid is available, the ACout2 relay is switched automatically, but this should also work manually.

For this you would need an external control with Modbus TCP or MQTT. I would avoid this.

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sbd avatar image sbd commented ·
Thanks, yea after thinking about it and seeing the block diagram of the internals, I will use a seperate CT and send a close signal for relay ACout2.

The house can have a pretty low idle draw if needed so I can turn off things like the underfloor heating and strip lighting via the shellys then activate relay 2.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

I don't think you can achieve this easily. When the grid fails the relays will automatically drop out AC Out 2, and this will mean any PV inverter connected there will have nothing to sync to and also disconnect itself.

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