
enda-mcl avatar image
enda-mcl asked

Multiplus 2 GX not turning on


Just purchased a second hand unit via ebay. Connected battery cables correctly, however not a sausage! No lights, no bluetooth, no wifi.

Tried a RJ45 via MK3 usb to laptop and Victron Configure 3 - nothing.

Do i need an AC in or out or both to get it to start?

Any help appreciated.

Regadrs Enda

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Only needs DC to power up. Did you flip the switch to "on"?

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enda-mcl avatar image enda-mcl commented ·
HI. Thanks for reply - yes- Frequent flipping of switch.
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enda-mcl avatar image
enda-mcl answered ·

To add - USB mk3 , VE Configure and RJ45 all working this morning on other 5kva Multi.

Checked voltage (using multimeter) at unit terminals and getting proper battery voltage.

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