
watzi3 avatar image
watzi3 asked

Multiplus Compact (12/800) Polarity of AC-in


Does the polarity of the load and neutral on the AC-in terminal matters?
Does the Multiplus still work if (for some reason) the load and neutral of shore power are switched?

Model: Multiplus Compact 12/800VA/35

Thank you and best regards!

Picture of installation drawing out of the manual

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, it will work. And in off grid mode because the multi bridges neutral and earth/ground, you'll have live connected instead.

If you're concerned because of reversed connections in the shore power, get a polarity tester, and reversing cable and use the reversing cable when needed.

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watzi3 avatar image watzi3 kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I agree that it should work, but I am not sure if it works in all modes (see my 2nd comment).
In offgrid mode - polarity of ac -in does not matter since on the output side the polarity is correct and the neutral is bridged by the relay to earth ground.

In Power mode - when shore power delivers not enough power - additional load is delivered from the batteries, which will prob (so I think) fed in wrong - if the polarity on the ac-in is not correct.

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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@watzi3 Please ensure that the Live and Neutral conductors are not transposed, that is potentially dangerous.

Also follow the diagram for wiring up the GST 18 connectors.


gst-18.png (86.1 KiB)
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watzi3 avatar image
watzi3 answered ·

I have just spoken to a victron-supplier - who basically said that reversed polarity of (Load and Neutral) is not not allowed. He says that the ground-relay self test will trigger a fault if L and N are switched.
To be honest, I am not sure if this answer is completely right, but it could make sense in certain cases of the inverter modes. His explanation only makes sense, if the relay-selftest happens before opening the backfeed-relay - and this would be odd right?

@kevgermany: Thanks for the aswer - ofc i can check with the multimeter everytime but i kind of want a "no thinking or checking" version ;)

Be advised, the following things are my viewings/thoughts on the topic and not necessary correct!

What can be said, that even if it works with reversed connections you need to install sufficient circuit breakers (for over current) for at least 2 poles (not 1+N) since the polarity is not clear.

Charging mode: Polarity should not matter

Normal Mode (Shore power connected): Should also not matter since the connection is fed through to the output side, (Sufficient circuit breakers necesarry)

Limited Shore Power (Power Assist Mode): If the shore power is too low the multiplus can supply the additional power out of the batteries - which means that reversed polarity is not allowed because the multi will feed the additonal battery power into the "wrong" lines?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
The multi locks in to shore power.

Guess the only clear answer you'll get is to test with reversed connections. Be very careful.

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