
carsten2 avatar image
carsten2 asked

Multiplus II critical load power even though nothing attached

My Multiplus is attached to AC in and nothing attached to AC out. Even though it shows 20-40W of output on critical load, which is obviously wrong. Why is this?

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

This is normal. The multi uses a small amount of power even in standby with no output load. Internal components still draw power.

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carsten2 avatar image carsten2 commented ·
But why is it displayed on critical load? Also in many cases it reads 0, but the MP is still using energy for internal components. So where should this consumption appear?
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @carsten2

Self consumption doesn't have a deliberate home. But you can sometimes see it clearly. Here's an example from Victron MFD app, with the inverter the only battery connection running..


Problem here is that the Multi's V and A are both passed across to the Multi from the Smartshunt via DVCC, the 117W is the Multi's own, likely it's output reading. Then when you look at that, you get..

1685715203834.png The 121W was 117W, just the time I snipped em. Note there's a Power Factor thing happening there, and the A is not reported better than to 1 decimal point, so there's 23W to each decimal point.

So down at this sort of power levels there are inbred inaccuracies, and to separate out self-consumption a challenging task. To worry about it will drive you crazy.

1685714588891.png (11.8 KiB)
1685715203834.png (4.5 KiB)
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