
maa avatar image
maa asked

Brief and unexplained overloads

Hi All,

For a week I have had brief and unexplained Overload L1 on VE.Bus System.

- In short, that is to say that about twenty seconds after the alarm is triggered, the system goes into CLEARED

- Unexplained because no change on my electrical network

- about 2 to 5 times per night and only at night

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help

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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you would need to look at your ac power usage graphs and make sure the gx devices resolution under vrm is at 1min resolutions. and then run for a while so the error shows a few times.

you need to track down if there are any motors starting or say two things running when it occurs

also a full description of what you have would also be helpfull

things that affect overload warning

inverter temperature

battery voltage under load

running loads and start up amps for AC motors

the batteries bms settings at the time ie its max allowed amps ie if the batteris voltage is low then the max amps that you are allowed to draw is also reduced, this does depend on what bms is being used and how its interfaced.

and how the bms is connected

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maa avatar image maa commented ·

Thanks Paul B

I do it

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maa avatar image maa commented ·

So here is the information requested:

-Tonight only one overload warning at 00:09

- Duration 20 sec

- Multi temperature at 35° stable

-Battery temperature at 21° stable

- Battery voltage at 49.75V

- Battery current at -14.93A

- AC consumption L1 at 777W

- Grid at -6W

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Maa

This could be just a millisecond load spike. The ~20 seconds is how long the system takes to clear it.

I get this from a water pump starting when I have other loads on. I changed out the starter capacitor and that fixed it for a coupla years, but it's back again. Don't think I'll bother with it this time. And it never shows on any logging, except the email VRM sends.

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maa avatar image maa commented ·

Thanks JohnC

I hope too

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