
sablt194 avatar image
sablt194 asked

Multiplus-II 3K 12 to 110 only temporary solution

I need to do a short term inverter plan. Can I run the Multiplus-II as just a stupid 12V to 110V inverter. No other groovy features, just 12 in and 110 out?

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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

yes you can.

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sablt194 avatar image sablt194 commented ·

Thank you Rob. I love people who actually answer the question - I tested and by golly it worked. Now step 2 in this process will be to eliminate the existing stand alone crappy 1K inverter transfer switch. So, to my question - If I run my 110 from shore power to the Multiplus -II will the Multiplus transfer switch feature work without any other fancy Victron stuff hooked up to it?



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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ sablt194 commented ·
Yes, and it will charge your battery.

Make sure you have a galvanic isolator on the earth/ground of shore power.

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