
mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii asked

Second independent MP2 on same battery?

Hi, I got a single phase system with a MP2 24/5000 and i have my old MP2 24/3000 left over.
I also have a EM24 ETH.

Could I just install the second MP2 on another phase with its own venusOS thing and power the other phase with same Battery and Solar?
So two systems, on one Battery/Solar?

At the moment my System is installed on L1 and I want to add the other one to L3

2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No you cannot. Or at least it is unsupported and i can think of a number of conflicting issues and problems.

But you can have inverter backup on two of the three phases as one system. That way there is proper comms between components and system resource control.

I am assuming you dont have actual three phase appliances.

2 |3000

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mryoshii avatar image mryoshii commented ·
Ok, but then I have to buy a new MP2 24/5000? Or can I use the old MP2 24/3000?
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mryoshii avatar image mryoshii commented ·
Would it not just work as DC System for the main system?
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