
garagenpv avatar image
garagenpv asked

ESS with Multiplus II, Cerbo GX and MPPTs : Difference Bluesolar/Smart MPPT

I plan ESS with Multiplus II, LiFePo Battery, Cerbo GX and MPPTs.
As far as I understood, Cerbo talks in ESS setup with the MPPTs currently not via Bluetooth, that means only is possible for the daily operation. Smart MPPT give the advantage of Bluetooth VE.Smart Networking for configuration and monitoring with Smartphone, which I don't need. BlueSolar devices are cheaper than the correponding SmartSolar Versions. Is there any reason to buy the Smart MPPTs instead of BlueSolar in my case ?

thanks for your advice


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered ·

Not realy, just easier configuration maybe at beginning. Smart networking doesnt work with ve.derect neither.

If the mppt are connected via and cerbo is in vrm, its possible to Update and configure the mppt via victron connect. Please activate dvcc syncronisation of mppt, best in combination with lifepo bms as primary source

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garagenpv avatar image garagenpv commented ·
Thanks - but.. As far as I understand DVCC is only used in combination with AGM Pb-batteries. I plan to use Pytes LiFePo with BMS connected to Cerbo GX. That means battery life data is communicated to Cerbo and Cerbo talks to each MPPT . What role plays DVCC in that game ?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ garagenpv commented ·
You understand incorrectly, DVCC is required for managed batteries. All neatly documented in the DVCC section of the Cerbo GX manual.
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