
kris avatar image
kris asked

Charger Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger no Smart Battery Sense function.

Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger no Smart Battery Sense function.

When will the Smart Battery Sense function be added? in the Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger

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Martin avatar image Martin commented ·

It's been almost half a year since this question was asked and still no answer! Is there anyone from Victron able to resolve this?

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frangar avatar image frangar Martin commented ·

I can confirm that the BatterySense can talk to the Charger with the latest firmware update...but I have found the set voltage on the charger needs to be 0.10-0.15 lower than the desired battery voltage for some reason.

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4 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Kris, a few months from now; as a firmware update.

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graeme-m avatar image graeme-m commented ·

Can we have an update please? I purchased the smart battery sense as the owners manual mentioned it could be used with the charger.

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markk avatar image
markk answered ·

Hi, quick question, will the Smart Sense be able to monitor and report back to the charger for each battery output?

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Christian Lindermann avatar image
Christian Lindermann answered ·
mvader (Victron Energy Staff) beantwortet · Jun 03 um 12:24 AM
Hi @Kris, a few months from now; as a firmware update.

@mvader (Victron Energy Staff)

Any news about that?


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frankcilo avatar image
frankcilo answered ·

io ho acquistato questo caricabatterie perché sul manuale c'è scritto che è possibile connetterlo con smart battery sense, e invece vedo che non è possibile

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