
castijn avatar image
castijn asked

Why is multiplus not feeding when demand is there?

I just finish installation of multiplus 2, ET 340 and Cerbo.

It must be a wrong setting somewhere (no idea where) but when my home consumption is e.g. 1200W I expect that the Multiplus (with full batteries) will pop in and deliver the power. I only can make the multiplus work to put in a negative value e.g. -900 W ( ESS setting should be +50) , which will constantly provide 900w. Modus, optimized without battery life). As for info : I use 1 Multiplus with ET 340 (combined grid values).

Suggestions are very welcome!



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Are you trying to feed in to the grid or feed your loads?

How have you programmed your inverter?

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castijn avatar image
castijn answered ·

I Try to feed my load.

Inverter has been programmed according to the specs. I am afraid that I have to check these, because the Cerbo is (to my opinion) programmed OK

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