
ruireis avatar image
ruireis asked

Add MPPT 250/60 to existing system

My existing system consists of 2 solar arrays connected to 2 X MPPT 150/70 (Ve Can) each solar array consists of 15 X 275W panels.

The MPPT 's are connected by (Ve Can) to a Cerbo GX.

I am planing to add 2 X 3 570W panels connecting to MPPT 250/60 (Ve direct) connecting to the existing Cerbo GX.

Could you please check that the proposed configuration is correct and if there is any special Cerbo GX configuration to be done?

It will be charging OPZS 48V 1500 Amp batterie bank.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

should all work fine just make sure you program the new mppt to the correct charge parameters

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ruireis avatar image
ruireis answered ·

Thank you Paul for your reply.

Once the new MPPT 250/60 is configured with the same charge parameters as the existing MPPT 's wish one will be the master?

At that stage I will have 2x MPPT 's on Ve Can and one MPPT on Ve direct.

At the moment the 2 MPPT 's are displayed as a single unit on Cerbo GX.

Will the new MPPT on Ve direct be displayed as additional unit?

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