
kstyler avatar image
kstyler asked

Latest VictronConnect App showing Multiplus

Hello, I've connected my devices in the Van to the Cerbo GX. Since the last update of the VictronConnect App I can see the Multiplus in the VRM Tap. But it has no functionality. Is there anything planned?

Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-19 um 10.34.27.png

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2 Answers
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


There are no plans in the near future to support MultiPlus via VRM on VictronConnect. So this is a bug that I'm unable to reproduce here.

Are you sure that it showed up after updating VictronConnect and not after updating the Cerbo GX to release candidate firmware?

I'll keep an eye, thank you for reporting it.

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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

Hi, You are right. I am using the release candidate for the cerbo gx.

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