
donaldn01 avatar image
donaldn01 asked

What SOC does the BMV 712 display if it has been disconnected?

I am using a BMV 712 to monitor the battery on a travel trailer. I am an occasional weekend camper so I disconnect my battery if I am not going to be using it for a period of time. If I disconnect my battery when it is at 80% and later reconnect the battery, will it know that the battery is not fully charged or will it assume this is a fully charged battery and read 100%

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

You have the option of setting up the BMV to assume 100% SOC upon power up/reset or to have an 'unknown' SOC up until the first synchronisation event.

You can change this using the BMV itself - option #70;

Or using VictronConnect - under 'Settings' > 'Battery';

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donaldn01 avatar image donaldn01 commented ·

Mark, I discovered this option after investigating the app further. This option was not listed in the documentation I was looking at.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ donaldn01 commented ·

It's a new feature :)

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donaldn01 avatar image donaldn01 Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Will the display/app not show SOC until it syncs or once it starts charging will it show 100%

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ donaldn01 commented ·

If you turn off the 'battery starts synchronized' option then I believe that it will display 'UNKNOWN' until the battery is fully recharged and the first synchronization event is achieved (voltage, tail current & time criteria met). But if you ever want to you can also 'force' synchronization.

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Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @donaldN01,
Why disconnect the BMV? The BMV is designed to use very little power less then 1mA
My advice would be to keep the BMV connected and disconnect the rest. Then it will keep the SOC

best regards

Martijn Coster
Victron Energy

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donaldn01 avatar image donaldn01 commented ·

Thanks for the suggestion Martijn, but I am disconnecting at the negative battery terminal and if it is going to be an extended period I will remove the battery and take it home to put it on a trickle charger. I may look at putting a battery cut off switch after the shunt so I could do as you suggest.

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ commented ·

I agree that this is also a good option.

@donaldN01 just please be aware that the BMV will not account for battery internal discharge during extended storage or any small / negligible monitoring load under the 'current threshold' (that is set to 100mA by default).

So even if all other loads are disconnected & the BMV is kept powered/active, after a month or so the reported SOC% is probably going to be wrong anyway until the battery is recharged & the BMV synchronises again.

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