
susiec avatar image
susiec asked

AC input fuse to multiplus 3000

Working oft Solar for 2 months without issue, inverter side still fine

plugged in to shore power yesterday and switched to charge only, worked initially, then 2nd time changing over to charge only green light flashed 4 times, now no lights at all and no volts where ac cable enters box

manual mentions AC input fuse or breaker, is this within the unit??

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If you cannot measure AC on the cable entering the box, then that suggests that there is a problem upstream or upstream circuit protection has activated. Check the circuit protection at the other end of that cable first.

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susiec avatar image
susiec answered ·

Thx doesn’t answer my question though about whether theres an internal fuse?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Sorry, yes, there is a fuse inside on the AC side beyond the relays.

However, no matter the state of this fuse, it's won't affect what you observe on the AC input terminals.

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