
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Should I Discharge Multiplus II Capacitors Before Moving the Unit?

And if so, what's the best way to discharge the capacitor? I used a light bulb to charge it up from a 48V battery bank.

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

A light bulb should work.

The caps can cause a nasty discharge spark if the DC connections are shorted but other than that I don't see an advantage to discharging them before transit. The caps will eventually discharge once the battery connection is removed but might take minutes.

Same for precharge before connecting the battery again.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·
Dumb question I'm sure, but I would just connect the positive side of the light bulb to the positive DC terminal on the MP, and the negative side of the light bulb to the negative terminal and once the light goes out the caps should be discharged right?
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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob alaskannoob commented ·
I've tried it now on two different MP HIs, and neither time when I connected the bulb to the positive and negative DC terminals on the MP did I get the bulb to light up. So, no idea if the capacitors discharged or not. Oh well, they're in their boxes and ready to be taken to the install location.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem alaskannoob commented ·
If the Multis have been sitting unpowered for any length of time, the caps would have already discharged.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem alaskannoob commented ·
Yes. Connect the bulb across the DC input terminals.
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anomof avatar image anomof Kevin Windrem commented ·
Any side of a incandescent is fine since it’s only a tungsten filament acting as your load.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

When off they discharge quite quickly. Once disconnected turn the power switch on and off a few times. Shouldn’t need to do anything else.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

That's great to know, thanks!

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