
jaqibar avatar image
jaqibar asked

Upgrade Key required

I haven't needed to upgrade a micro processor for an long time now. Now it is asking for an “Upgrade Key” via VE.Flash. Now sure what to do here, I have the ‘Target Key’ but no Idea where at Victron to send it to to gain Upgrade key. Where to do this as Client’s inverter whats to upgrade to higher version to unlock featurers?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


More information is needed here. A microprocessor is not usually upgraded, but the firmware can be updated - depends on how old the unit is.

What inverter exactly do you have? A year of manufacture would help as well. What chip number does it have? What size processor? What firmware are you currently running?

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jaqibar avatar image
jaqibar answered ·

@alexandra. I did a normal Firmware update in the end, and it worked the 5th time around. Not sure date of manufacture [think 2017], But Chip firmware 2658413.Hex upgraded to 2658501. Qauttro 48/5000. Working well now with lots of new goodies.

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