
obsidian avatar image
obsidian asked

Define custom network port - Cerbo GX?


How can we define a custom port for the Cerbo? Since the VRM Remote Console seems to be flaky and unreliable another option would be setting up a port forward on the remote gateway modem and managing via LAN. This is considerably more difficult if we cannot change the Cerbo GX port number to something other than 80 - does anyone have a suggestion?

Thank You!

TCP IP Networking
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Remote vrm console is as only reliable as your internet connection, if that is flaky, no amount of natting will help. Maybe it’s better to rather resolve the flakiness, something frequently wifi related. If you are thinking of exposing the port onto the internet directly (I may be misunderstanding you), that would be a very bad security decision. The GX is not robust enough for that.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·


Moved to modifications.

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