
marka avatar image
marka asked

MultiPlus-II 12/3000/120-32 VE.Bus Connection

Hi, my dealer told me that the MultiPlus-II 12/3000/120-32 has NO VE.Bus Connection. The victron docmentation looks like it has a VE.Bus Connection. It would not make sense to me that it should not have a VE.Bus Connection. I just want to make sure. Does anybody can tell me if is has the connection ? Thank you

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @mark.a

I don't know where your dealer got that information from but I can confirm that the MP-II has VE.Bus connectivity. See also the datasheet.

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marka avatar image marka commented ·
Thank you very much for your answer
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