
Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson asked

Fronius primo will not export more than 18 connect on AC input

Having pre-set up the the ESS system before going to the client to install I first swapped out the old Fronius inverter for the Primo 3.6KW to make sure it would act as normal but it will not feed in more that 18 watts, there is no Victron connected yet so basically its just a 1 to 1 swap so should work, also a strange value 18W, but was wondering whilst setting up back at work if for some reason the primo has remembered the settings in ESS I did set PV inverter to zero feed in and may be the Fronius has remembered that and is a safety feature if ESS is disconnected,

The Fronius is AC input side of the inverter a Multi II 5K

can anyone confirm if this is the case

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1 Answer
jetronic avatar image
jetronic answered ·

I had the problem with my Primo that it always throttled down to 18W. I don't have a zero feed and the Primo should always feed in the maximum energy.

I had to deactivate the Modbus control in the menu.


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