
nirinarimiza avatar image
nirinarimiza asked

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what is the difference between a mitiplus 12/2000/80 and a mutiplus of 24/2000/50, apart the voltage one of which is 12 V and the other 24 V, and the battery charging current which one is 80A and the other 50 A.

If I do the simple calculation I = P / (root (3) * U * cos phi) I can not find the value of the same current.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

That formula is for 3 phase at ac voltage. Leave out the 'root(3)' for single phase and the V (your U) is your ac voltage (230?). Not related at all to battery dc V.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

ruffly at 12 volts the DC current draw would be 150 amp and at 24 volts 75 amps

based on a 1800 watt out put

at max overload the amps would be double

is this what you are after

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