
yannick1 avatar image
yannick1 asked

The charge scheduling is not working in an ESS configuration

The configuration includes a Multiplus II 48v-5000W in ESS with Pylontech US3000C batteries, without solar panels, only in back-up mode.

When I program a time slot for charging, in the scheduling, nothing happens, it continues 24 hours a day as if there was no such programming.

What to do ?


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Share some screen shots of your settings?

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4 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Check in ESS|Settings you have not got Keep Batteries Charged selected and have an appropriate value for Minimum SoC like 10 or 20%.

To answer your other query, yes you can have a higher degree of automation with Node Red, see the Modifications section of this forum, but it is not very easy to use for a beginner and you should not need it to overcome your current problems.

I would concentrate on getting the right settings in ESS first.

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yannick1 avatar image
yannick1 answered ·

Thanks but I don't find the option "Keep Batteries Charged".

Concerning the power consumption I installed a power meter and I found 0.8 kwh/24H and the Victron Energy Website management indicates 1.4 kwh/24H which is almost twice the value found.

Concerning the NodeRed, how do we connect locally to the Victron installation?

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andy156 avatar image
andy156 answered ·

Google for victron large firmware node red and node red victron. There are special nodes that allow access to the Victron setup.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

in Remote Console go to Device Manager|Settings|ESS|Mode.

You want either of the Optimised options, not Keep Batteries Charged.

I don't think a 0.6 kWh difference in power readings in 24 hours is significant.

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