
castijn avatar image
castijn asked

Bulk question

I am installing a multiplus 2. Just connected to the grid and my Pylontech (off course with a Cerbo). I Planned a sceduled charging for tonight. Switch of the Multi is in position 1. Why is the Multi in Bulk modus (and with such a low Amp/watt).? screenshot-20230114-171907-chrome.jpg

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Firstly the Pylontechs control the charge rate.

I'm not sure what the parameters are, but charge rate drops with temperature. You are showing 13C, that may be affecting it.

I assume you followed the Victron installation guide for Pylontechs, including getting the correct cable between the batteries and Cerbo.

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castijn avatar image castijn kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks. Yes I used original cables. I figgered out some setting (the functions). One quesion I still have is why the Bulk led is on..... (when I am not charging)
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Al avatar image Al castijn commented ·

The original cables that come with the Pylontech batteries cannot be used to connect to the Cerbo. You may need the:

Type A cable

The Victron VE.Can to CAN-bus BMS type A Cable, part number ASS030710018 is used for connection with US2000C / US3000C / UP5000 / US5000 / US5000B / Force-L.

Is it set up according to this guide?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Al commented ·

Or the type B cable. It's documented in the link @Al supplied. Until we're sure your system is correctly configured we can't help further.

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3 Answers
castijn avatar image
castijn answered ·

Sorry for the confusion. With original i meant original type A Victron. This is a picture ehats happening. The Bulk Light on the Multiplus is on


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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

The battery is requesting a bulk charge. You see your system is under external control on the vrm page.. that is the battery control. The bulk stage is also triggered by a certain voltage below float.on the inverter.

Even if it is not putting in massive amps that is the charge stage it is in.

L ook in your manual it shows a neat graph. In bulk it has a target voltage it is trying to reach even if it does not have the resources to get there (It is not floating or in absorption.... these will be triggered once it is above a certain voltage and drawing less amps.)

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castijn avatar image
castijn answered ·

Thanks a lot for the answers!

So after installing a 0-meter the problem should be solved i guess.

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