
zarillo avatar image
zarillo asked

Multiplus 2 only Main on and CervoGX lost

Hi, Can you help/explain the following issue?

The MP2 48V 5000 is properly connected to a EM24 (ethernet), Pylontech 5000, cerboGX (Ethernet) and the AC in 230 V grid.

Everything was up and runnning. ESS assistant installed, MP2 configured via VictronConnect as explaind in the Pylontech/Victron manual, VRM worked like a charm. The batterie was discharging at about 150 W (i limited the inverter to 150W in the Remote Console to not drain the battery to fast - we have bad weather / no sun) and reached 10 % today.

After that (i assume as nothing else changed) the MP2 switched to "Main on" only (no charging etc.) and the CerboGX disappeared from the local lan network (but is still powered on - hooked up on a Lynx Power in DC hub that is connected to the PT and the MP2).

I can access the CerboGX via WiFi AP network. But it does not sgive me access to remote console and shows "unknown error- check again later".

Any idea what thi is about? Can I do anything but waiting? I am puzzeld :-)

EDIT: I was able to access Console through Wifi AP and then connected the CerboGX to the WiFi. I removed the Lan Cable. Looks like the cable is broken or something. Now all is working again!?

I hope that solves the issue. Will check the cable now.

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