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usernamepasswordbs asked

How to remove cover from Multiplus

Does anyone know how to remove the cover from a Multiplus II 5000?

The reason that I want to do this is that while working above it and around it tacking cables, there were some particles of grit and whatnot which fell from the wall and ceiling onto the multiplus and as it is partly open at the top for ventilation, I am wondering if any bits fell in. It sounded like the fan stopped suddenly when I was hammering and it would be sensible to vacuum it out now if there is anything in there.

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2 Answers
techmuc avatar image
techmuc answered ·
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usernamepasswordbs avatar image
usernamepasswordbs answered ·

Thanks a lot, I couldn't see those screws underneath. Cover has been off and it wasn't actually bad in there but better safe than sorry as they say.

Thanks again.

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