
ezra avatar image
ezra asked

Grounding Multiplus 48 / 5000


I've been wondering about my grounding. I will clarify my setup first.

  1. I have a Multiplus with solar panels and 4x 200Ah in series.
  2. My Multiplus is hooked on to my house power via AC in behind an earth-leak switch
  3. My AC outs are hooked up to different individual users groups 2x 16A and 1x 10A ( the groups in the power cabin in my house are hooked to ground)
  4. Now i have a ground cable from my power cabin in the house running up to the Multiplus and connected to the chassis.

Now I'm wondering if the ground is right, since I've seen another ground connection near the 63A earthleak switch in the Multiplus.

Reseller can't really answer this question to my satisfaction.

Please advise.


img-1535.jpg (673.3 KiB)
img-1536.jpg (421.9 KiB)
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The ground should go to that grounding point and the case as well then to a large copper rod in the ground and some other good grounding point

its really not up to us to advise you how its done, this is your electricians job,

we sugest that you ground at these points

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ezra avatar image ezra commented ·


Thanks for your reply, I'm aware of the electrician that has to do this. But seeing the Multiplus has multiple grounding points, he was also unsure.

  • So you're saying my house earth point in the power cabinet is not sufficiant? (second grounding point with a copper rod is needed?)
  • So we will connect both grounds, do they need to be seperate wires? (eg. can i hook one up to the other then straight to the ground point)
  • Does it the earth wire also need to be the same width as the Live and Neutral cable? The one on the chassis is but the other one in the first picture, i have a spare 2.5mm cable around.

Thanks again.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Ezra. Those pics look awfully like the innards of an Easy box. Both those terminals do the same thing, but with a standalone Multi the one on the terminal board would be more convenient. With the Easy, the one down there below the breakers may suit better. Either would do. All ac in/out wiring should be connected to one or the other. And yeh, the frame to an earth stake.

Note that your house will be subject somewhere to an Earth-Neutral (MEN) link. The Multi can do that (or you can turn it off), but then don't have another on some downstream/upstream sub-board. One earth stake per house should do..

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ezra avatar image ezra commented ·


Thanks. I have my Easy solar AC in hooked up to my house power and the earthstrip (i'm assuming this goes in to the ground and is sufficient?) there goes to the lower earth connection on the Easy. So this would do? Or do i need an additional pin in the ground for the Easy?

I'd not like to change any settings regarding the earthing (software wise) so i could still hook up both of them to my earth strip in my power cabinet?

Still a bit baffled by the terminology here... Thanks for your reply.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ ezra commented ·

Yeh, what you say should be ok either way. But it's not appropriate for me to give that advice really. There's a link here (and sublinks) if you want to investigate further the nuances of earthing in various applications..

Have fun.. :)

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ezra avatar image ezra JohnC ♦ commented ·

Haha, that makes it even worse, reading up on all those posts. I've contacted the reseller, he's reaching out to victron to figure out the best option in my case... Just to be safe. Thanks for the effort.

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ezra avatar image
ezra answered ·

Had contact with the reseller. For me they said it would do if I connect my "House earth strip" to the PCB earth on the easy, then link that connection to the frame.

Thanks for the help!

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Related Resources

Ground, earth and electrical safety

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