
glubux avatar image
glubux asked

My Quattro doesn't restart, is it faulty?

Yesterday my batteries here low so I switched of my Quattro 8000 for the night, today was sunny so I tried to restart it without succes :

- Batteries are above the minimum restart voltage

- I can't find anywhere in the manual the strange blinking pattern of the LEDs on the panel : "Absorption", "Float" and "Overload" are lit and "Inverter" & "Bulk" are alternatively flashing.

Because of the "Overload" LED I disconected both AC output wires just in case of an unexpected short somwhere but it makes no difference...

Any ideas?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
dwmarine avatar image
dwmarine answered ·

The LED definitions describe it as "Powerpack Failure"

I'm not sure exactly what this means though.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Needs to be taken in for repair.
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glubux avatar image
glubux answered ·

Thank you for the replies, even if it looks like bad news...

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