
eamonno avatar image
eamonno asked

G98 certification 2023

I wonder how many MultiPlus 2 installations are now connected to the grid without G98 certification…..and how many others are all hooked up awaiting connection. I note that this topic seems to have died a slow death on this forum.

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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Same in NZ with the AS/NZS 4777 certification but by installing a approved grid tied inverter with it

i can be used. and turn off the export control of the Victron.


Rob D


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lydart avatar image
lydart answered ·

My installer is waiting for G99 certification before he will install 3.6kW PV with Multiplus II 48/5000, Smartsolar 450/100, Cerbo GX, 14.4kWh Pylontech Force L2 etc. So it hasn't cost me anything but time. Very frustrated with the delay in certification!

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mufassa avatar image
mufassa answered ·

I am going to stick in a G99 application for a ComAP InteliPro on mine - whilst I love Victron, the delay in keeping up with the certification is just something I could do without...

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