
Anthony Kirkby avatar image
Anthony Kirkby asked

Pi grey screen - what could be wrong?

Got back to the boat today and the pi is grey screen. VRM not been updated since 9am (GMT+3 Hrs) pi will not boot when disconnected from system. Sudden death?

gui mods
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@SV Impavidus

No guarantee, but I bet the microSD card is damaged. Unfortunately, that happens every now and then. Flash the image to a new card and see if that helps.

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Anthony Kirkby avatar image Anthony Kirkby commented ·

Many Thanks. I think you are/were right. Today I used a new scandisk card to upload the latest V2.92 as I was operating on V2.89. This version will not self update on the Pi. I also updated the latest gui mod 4.31 It took a while but the latest is really good and we are now looking sweet on the display with all the info from all the peripherals on display! Thanks for the help/suggestion. Regards Ant.

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