
wilm avatar image
wilm asked

Multiplus II GX 3000 and Multiplus II 5000 in parallel?

I need to extend my solar-system with more panels. This means, that my existing MP GX 3000 can't handle the power to the net any more. So I want to extend the system as ESS at L2 with a MP 5000 GX.

Is the combination MP3x and MP5x possible, or do I have to exchange the exxisting 3kW one for a 5kW one?

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

No you cannot mix a 3k with a 5k. They need to be the same model and as close to the same production date as possible. You can however parallel a gx unit with a non gx unit, but they have to be the same size.

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wilm avatar image
wilm answered ·

Thanks Derrick,
will change the multiplus itself to a bigger one

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