
pirx avatar image
pirx asked

Fuse for AC-IN in Multiplus II 48/5000

This is an initial installation Multiplus II 48/5000, CCGX, BYD 7.5 kWh.

I did connect the AC-IN behind an C32 automatic fuse, and I was surprise why that fuse is jumping out after turning on the Multiplus (after few seconds). Does anybody has an answer for this?

My house is secured by a 3xE35 fuse.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

A Multiplus II can pass 50 amps through the inverter from the mains, so allowing for your house loads plus charging the battery at 70 amps you may exceed 32 amps quite easily

To stop this set the current limit at 30 amps and if you draw more than 30 it will supply it from the batteries for that small period

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pirx avatar image pirx commented ·

Very helpful. Thanks! I'll try it out

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Jay avatar image Jay pirx commented ·
So the fuse rating for AC IN should be higher than 50A. Will 55A do or better to go with 63A?
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sharpener avatar image sharpener Jay commented ·
Depends. If you are using the internal current sensor then the input limit is 50A so 50A protection is correct.

If you are using an external current sensor then the Mult 5k can draw ~17A while charging and additionally 50A for passthrough to loads on AC Out so 63A would be more appropriate, provided the input cable is at least 16 mm^2.
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