
royaldecline avatar image
royaldecline asked

Using a Quattro as a motor driver ?

I am installing my "Electric Yacht, Quiet torque" motor and am wanting to sanity check a design choice I made. The plan is to have a Quattro 48/10K charge a few strings of batteries and those in turn run the motor. I believe if the battery bank for some reason is offline, I can run from the 110v AC generator to the quattro, the Quattro to the motor, and direct drive from the Quattro all day. I understand I would be down on power as the quattro can only put out 140 amps. My question is am I right ? Can the Quattro output a full 140 amps (or less if maneuvering at lower speeds) for say 24 hours straight with no batteries in line ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

If I understand this correctly.
You are wanting to go from Generator AC -> Quattro AC to Quattro DC -> Motors DC.

This is possible but you any changes Motor power need to be buffered so that the Inverter has time to ramp up or ramp down without the unit tripping off.

If you add a capacitor bank of sufficient size and only slowly ramp up and down the motor current then it will work. Otherwise it will not work as the Inverter will not respond fast enough and will just go into low voltage or overvoltage shutdown. Normally your battery bank is buffering this power.
A small battery will not work as the currents will be the full 140A plus PV current and the battery will need to handle that.

As a backup because your battery failed this is a workable solution will just have limitation.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The quattro’s and multis are designed to run with batteries. They will not enjoy being battery-less and should not be run that way, which is unsupported.

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royaldecline avatar image royaldecline commented ·
Ok, so let's say I carry a safety 48v50ah battery and wire it in circuit with the charger and load. Now the Victron is maintaining the battery but still has the same load and demand for 140 continuous amps for a full 24 hours.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem royaldecline commented ·
You might have an issue with that small a battery. The Quattro would exceed the battery's maximum charging current when the motor is not drawing current.
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