
jetlag avatar image
jetlag asked

MPPT 150/70 Showing negative temperature of -273°C

I observed a strange behaviour this morning while I was wondering why there is no solar power at all. Everything seems normal, no fault codes or are other obviuos problems... But then I opened the Victron Connect App and checked the MPPT directly... and there it was, a negative temperature of -273°C. The temperature disconnect is activated by default at 5°C, so in the end the behaviour was right, but where does this negative temperature comes from?

I have a SmartBattery Sense connected in the network, that is sharing the temperature with the MPPT charge controller. But the Battery Sense showed correctly the 16°C at that moment.

Finally a restart, disconnecting Solar and Battery, solved the problem. Let's see if this was only one bug in about 8 weeks runtime only...

Did someone of you observe a similar behaviour?


MPPT Controllers
mppt-273c.jpg (308.9 KiB)
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Jetlag

I recall it being mentioned here a long time back, at least a couple years ago. I went for a look but can't find it by the Search function. Remembered because -273C is 'absolute zero' (0 deg Kelvin), and I wondered at the time why that may have been coded into the mppt.

Hopefully just a digital knot and you never see it again, but could conceivably happen with dodgy comms or a hardware gremlin. Come back if it recurs.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Hey JohnC,

yes, I also have the feeling, that maybe somehow the connection to the Battery Sense got lost and that's why the temperature jumped to the lowest prgrammed value...?!

I also know a simillar topic from Andy (Offgrid Garage on youtube), as his controlles jumped to -1°C by a sudden and also stopped charging...

Well, today the system is running normal again. I will observe this (as I always do :D) and will report here if the problem apears again.

Have a nice christmas break all together and stay charged! :-)

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

It happend again, - or at least in a similar way. This time (it was on Saturday morning) the MPPT did not start charging and showed up -18°C. This I saw after I returning from picking up some more solar panels, as there is no possibility to see this setting from remote in the VRM nor the remote console.

So I checked again the VE.Smart Network via Bluetooth and the displayed temperature from the SmartBatterySense was fine at 14°C. But maybe there is a trasmission failuire to the network that causes the problem...? I don't know.

My first idea was to again disconnect the MPPT from solar and battery and do a full restart. Unfortunatelly this did not work. So I started to play arround with the settings in the victron connect app for the MPPT, and when I disabled the low temperature charging, the charger imediatelly started to charge. Ok, at least this makes sense...

So I disconnected the SmartBatterySense from the VE.Network, but the MPPT now tried to receive the temperature from the SmartShunt, that has no temperature sensor at all.

After disconnecting the whole VE-Network and restoring it again step by step, everything started to work again as expected...

What I additionally want to take into account (for future observation) is the duration between the appearence of this problem. As I have some felling, that this might have relationsship to some internal buffer or so, because the first time this appeared after ~39 days, and now again after 36 days. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe someone of you can also abserve some relationship between this. ;-)

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