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douglaspaul asked

SmartSolar mppt 100-50 in conjunction with a Morningstar Tristar?

Solar novice here. This is my situation, my system was 2 100 watt panels on the roof of my rv, run through a Morningstar Tristar-45 to 2-6 volt golf cart batteries in series so 12 volt. I have since disconnected the 2 100 watt panels and purchased 4 used 255 watt panels and replaced the lead acid golf cart batteries with 2 12 volt 100 ah LiFePO4 batteries and plan on buying 1 more. I currently am only using two of the larger panels as I'm in Quartzsite AZ and they are providing all I need.

I purchased a Victron SmartSolar mppt 100-50 and will install it as soon as a Victron smart sense that I ordered arrives. There may be times when I'm in other locations and in poor weather so I'm wondering if instead of purchasing a additional Victron cc when and if I upgrade if I can somehow make use of the Morninstar with the two roof panels reattached or will the two not work together as the Morningstar is not a mppt?

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