
eamonno avatar image
eamonno asked

Loud hum from MultiPlus 48/5000 - FIRMWARE FIX?

I’ve read all about the noise from the Multi 2. I thought I’d seen details of a firmware fix recently, but I can’t find it now - was I dreaming.?

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Firmware can’t change how a transformer works..

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rata1 avatar image
rata1 answered ·

I had a pair of 48/5000 one was really bad, the other was almost silent. I sent it back and the replacement was fine.

FW update was Victron's first request before it was accepted back - which obviously didn't fix it.

Best mount it on rubber backboard or with rubber washers to de-couple from the wall.

Then there is the fan...

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