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richardw asked

Sync time RPI/VenusOS after boot

I have a setup with a RPI/VenusOS, which I power on every 6 hours for 15 minutes to sync data between VenusOS and my home automation system. I use a GSM Hat with a PPP internet connection. The problem I faced was that the time was never synced after startup, since it takes a while to start the PPP connection.

This is my solution, any remarks/suggestions?

1. Install ntpdate using:

opkg install ntpdate

By default rdate is installed but as far as I understood rdate uses a protocol that is depreciated and not supported by the majority of NTP servers.

2. Create a file /data/

sleep 60
#check and set time

The sleep 60 is to make sure there is enough time to create a PPP internet connection.

3. Make this file executable

chmod 755 /data/

4. Add to /data/rc.local (runs after VenusOS startup):

nohup /data/ &

Reboot the system.


Venus OSRaspberry Pi
2 |3000

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